Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting things on the groove

The new year is such a great start, my wife gave birth to our first child late December 2010, family gatherings during the yuletide season was great. What I haven't done so much was focus more on photography, in my earlier blog about the new year I needed more focus on these things. I always thought that I could, unfortunately alot of things are coming up.

(1) It seems that having a baby is really difficult to start with (I'm a first-time dad), but the difficulty is always worth it. Also, I have to take care of my wife!
(2) New Year means new work, I mean MORE work!
(3) I'm taking up my Masters in Business Administration in University of the Philippines.

Even with those three things on top of my priorities God has been gracious in granting me Photography stints, so the Canon EOS 7d, 580exII, Tamron 17-50 and 50mm 1.8 won't be sitting in the drybox.

Here's a few in store for my January
(1) A Debut Party
(2) Environmental Portraits for a Developmental Report

Although I got to run the camera a few days ago for my father-in-laws birthday and to test my brother's Tamron 70-200 2.8 which I would have to write a mini-review this weekend.

Stay tuned!

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