Saturday, February 19, 2011

Photowalk in Salcedo weekend market

It took some time for me to get back and work on this blog. I have been busy doing my day job for the past month. I only had a few time to hold my Canon 7d. Before writing this blog I'm thinking about getting myself either a Panasonic LX-5 or GF-1, something small with good performance that I can bring around all-day. I don't want to sell my SLR either, it would pay itself over time with some photo earning projects.

My wife decided last night that we have to go to the weekend market in Salcedo Village, one of the upscale places in the Metro. With this in mind, I decided to take my SLR with me and attached my 50mm 1.8. I just set my 7D at Av (Aperture Value), AWB (autowhite balance), ISO 200, AI focus and shoot away!

So here are some of my shots.

This is a crowded market, locals and expats abound

Cooked and Fresh food

A lot of guys are also taking pictures here

French guy selling French food

I enjoyed the whole experience of doing this photowalk and I wish I can do it more. It also reinforced my need to get 50mm 1.4. Why? I enjoyed my 1.8 so much, unfortunately I got this on the second hand market. I didn't notice a mold was inside, I always thought it was just a speck.

This has also made me think about getting primes, I love the way I can take pictures without looking like a "PRO" versus using my Tamron 17-50 zoom lens with the hood and all. Which sometimes frightens the heck out of people.


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