Monday, June 6, 2011

Things to do for this blog

I have been out for awhile. I'm working for a new company now and had to do alot of things before that. I failed to update this blog. And i'm sorry for that. So a few things that I realized that I should be adding here. Aside from what I mentioned before that I need to update this at least once a week. That I'll try. To complement this once a week blog with a once a week photography project. I intended to do a 365 days project but hell, I can't think about that. 

So here's the deal. My Eos 7d would be a year old by July 2011. It's gone thru more that 20000+ actuations. I'll start my weekly pic from there and blog from there. :) And I wanted to try something different for this whole new year with my camera, all shots from my 52-week project will come from the 7d and from canon 50mm 1.4 lens.

Also I'll post next week the subjects or the themes that I'll be taking for that 52-week journey and I'll try to illustrate as much as possible how I'll be doing and did the shots.


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